Thursday, May 29, 2008

Old People: Still Not Smarter Than Me

Its been a while since the last post as some of you have pointed out. And yes I have received the emails and phone calls and while the heavy breathing phone calls at night are flattering, they have been affecting my sleep schedule. Here's the newest installment.

This is somewhat of a follow up to my "Old People and Snow" posting from a few months ago. As I was reading my monthly Tablets & Capsules magazine (April 2008 page 10 for those of you who want to check your copy) I came across an article on old people. The article stated that the FDA has received at least 73 complaints of adverse reactions related to the use of denture cleanser tablets. Some of these reactions are due to "...When consumers chew, swallow, or gargle with denture cleansers, which are meant to clean dentures in a container..." They're gargling with friggen bleach people. The article went on to say that the FDA is suggesting that manufacturers add labeling that makes it clear that the tablets are not meant to clean dentures in the mouth.

What the shit? This is part of a bigger problem which isn't necessarily limited to old people. Should we really be protecting stupid people this much? Should we really be putting warning labels on denture cleansers? What about hair dryers that say "Do not use in shower" or wood chippers that say "Do not use hands to remove clogs." I for one think that a little bit of death due to gross incompetence is just what our species needs these days. I know that creationists would disagree with me (but I'll come out and say it, they are nuttier than my crap after a WalMart sale on chunky Skippy) I am all about survival of the fittest or at least go ahead and let the stupid people wean themselves off.

If we remove the moral obligation to preserve life and simply look at things logically, doesn't the responsibility to preserve the species take priority over the life of the small percentage of the population that without labels, would slam scalding hot coffee, take baths with power tools, and pour solution in their eyes to clean their contacts? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should go out and start killing people with low IQ's. Of course not, that would take entirely too long. I'm just saying if they should find themselves looking down the barrel of a gun to see if its loaded, who are we to step in and say "Hey, stupid person! Put down the gun or you could kill yourself and never be able to have half-a-dozen stupid children for me to support with my taxes!"