Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The E-Mail That Started it All

I mentioned in my first rant that I started this blog after suggestions from people that had read one of my email rants. I had a request to post that email. Since it takes little more than copying and pasting, ergo no new material from me, I thought what the hell.

Its one of those great little forwards that we always get. They wish you luck and happiness but always want you to do something like continue the chain, donate money, or free the prince of Botswana from his exile for cash and prizes. More often than not, they also contain little animations like smiley faces that make me want to shoot my computer.

Here is the original forward I received, slightly edited to remove all the GD dancing leprechauns.


Hope the Leprechaun dances his jig for you!I had to forward this, my mom swears it works. The day after she sent it, they got an offer on their land on the Swannee river, they have'nt even seen that land since 1987. It came out of the blue. So you know that I'm going to try it.
Love Kim

Not sure if this had anything to do with it but it was shortly after I sent this out - I got a call to say our bond was approved - against all odds.

I don't know if it works but i won a new fridge full of various cool drinks from Beyer And Beyer last

I do not know if it works, but I won a microwave yesterday Seems like it Hey !!

Good luck to everyone! And may all your dreams come true!!
--- This may sound nuts, but my husband got this the other day and sent it off. About 10 minutes later a really good financial windfall happened for his son Sean who he had sent it too as well. One of the people he sent it to was responsible for the windfall.


Good Luck!!
I hope it works...
OK, this is what you have to do…
Send this to all of your friends!
But – you HAVE to send this within 1 hour from when you open it!
Now………….Make A wish!!!!!!!!

I hope you made your wish! Now then, if you send to:
1 person --- your wish will be granted in 1 year
3 people --- 6 months
5 people --- 3 months
6 people --- 1 month
7 people --- 2 weeks
8 people --- 1 week
9 people --- 5 days
10 people --- 3 days
12 ! people - -- 2 days
15 people --- 1 day
20 people --- 3 hours

If you delete this after you read it . you will have 1 year of bad luck! But .. if you send it 2 of your friends you will automatically have 3 years of good luck!!! :-)

Here is my response:
Holy Crap it worked! I sent this email on to some of my friends at the free clinic and some of the orphans that I volunteer my time with and it worked! It was like a friggen Coors Light commercial, you know like how everyone is sitting around and the big Silver Bullet train shoots through and everyone gets hammered. Except rather than a Silver Bullet train, I was sitting at my cubicle and a rusty El Camino broke through the wall! And rather than bikini models there were three dwarves dressed in green that reeked of Jameson Whiskey. Instead of throwing cans of Coors, two of them relieved themselves in my trash can while the third vomited on my key board. Talk about an Irish jig! Yesiree the good luck is coming my way.

God have mercy on anyone who deleted that forward. I heard that my brother's cousin's friend's husband's ear nose and throat specialist deleted one just like this and he was immediately mauled by a 600 pound black bear right in his office. I won't tell you what happened to his wife and children suffice to say that it involved a fire hose, a box of cheetos, and a snorkel.

It works!

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